Mental Health Resources

if you've been struggling lately, you're not alone.
i know it's been hard, but we've got this.

Mental Health Resources

if you've been struggling lately, you're not alone.
i know it's been hard, but we've got this.



anxiety disorders
bipolar disorder
eating disorder



understanding depression
understanding loneliness
understanding gender identity
understanding grief
stages of grief
overcoming anxiety
overcoming a breakup
understanding social media’s influence
overcoming social media addiction
preventing suicide
helping a friend



types of counseling
finding a counselor
questions to ask your counselor
national suicide prevention lifeline



for anxiety
for a boost
for moodiness
for stress
for mindfulness


Reminder: We’re Not Really Strangers is not a counseling or crisis or emergency response service, and WNRS’ content creators are not mental health professionals or crisis or emergency responders, nor do we hold ourselves out to be. We do not endeavor to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any mental, emotional, or other issues or conditions, and our content is not a substitute for help from professionals. Do not disregard professional advice or delay seeking professional help based on our content, communications, or the feedback of any of our other users. If you ever find yourself struggling or in danger, reach out to a mental health professional or crisis or emergency responder right away, as needed and as appropriate. For more info, check out our Terms & Services.